10 Most Weird Toppings of Pizza

10 Most Weird Toppings of Pizza

Its quite difficult to find a person on this planet who does not like pizza. Whether a meal or a quick snack, pizzas are one of the favorite food items for many. The concept of topping a pizza has varied from one country to another. Thus, each nation or city has its version of pizza toppings. Moreover, people like trying various pizza toppings to bring a change to their taste buds.

Most people select onions, mushrooms, pepperoni, chicken, tomato, etc., as the top layer. However, some pizza toppings are stranger and weirder than one can think. Thus, this account discusses the ten most weird pizza toppings, combining vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods.

10. Pork, Cabbage, Squid, and Noodles

This is a weird combination to try as a pizza topping. Each item in this amalgamation is strange, making the entire preparation stranger than ever. Pork is not so common for the top layer in a pizza. Cabbage is a rare vegetable that people would like as a topping.

Likewise, squids may not be everyone’s likable, perhaps except for Japanese natives. The weirdest part of this blend is the noodles. Even noodle lovers may feel uneasy about biting it with a pizza crust.

9. Breakfast

Seeing a breakfast platter on a pizza may confuse the beholders. However, it is a fact in the United Kingdom. Eating a pizza for breakfast may be unusual, but people from this part have solved the issue. They have put the things they consume for breakfast on the pizza.

Hence, this type of pizza has eggs, bacon, toast, mushrooms, sausages, and tomatoes. It may also include baked beans and black pudding, making this item a full meal for the morning.

8. Tandoori Chicken

Tandoori chicken is a famous North Indian dish. The chicken is marinated in spices and yogurt and then slowly cooked in the clay oven called Tandoor. Non-vegetarians from this part of the nation like this preparation anywhere and anytime. Therefore, they will not mind even if it is on a pizza. Nonetheless, people from elsewhere may feel it is too heavy a topping.

7. Coconut

Coconut is more suitable for desserts or traditional curries. Thus, finding it on the coating of a pizza may pop one’s eyes out. This type of topping is popular in Costa Rica. The reason for this popularity is apparent, as coconuts are abundant in this region. Coconut topping can blend with other sweet toppings like strawberries or chocolate.

6. Cold Fish

Another non-vegetarian item that is unusual to be a pizza topping is cold fish. People who love seafood will like to try this item, while it may be the weirdest topping for others. One of the pizzas in Russia is called the Mockba pizza, named after the local version of Moscow.

Four types of fish go into the top layer of this strange pizza. These are salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. Furthermore, Mockba pizza is served cold, unlike traditional pizzas served hot. Thus, this pizza is weird not only for its toppings but also for how people get it on their tables.

5. Kangaroo

The first thought while imagining a kangaroo on the pizza can be weird and eerie. However, kangaroo meat is a common food item in Australia and a popular pizza topping. This country’s restaurants offer meat of this animal in various forms.

Using kangaroo meat as a pizza topping is another interesting method of preparing this dish. Notwithstanding, it can remain a weird topping for people who are not Australians.

4. Mashed Potato

Mashed potatoes are a delicacy and are pretty filling. However, adding it to the pizza is not so usual. It can give a twist to the conventional expectation of crunchy pizza toppings. Mashed potatoes have a soft texture and form a contrast with the base, especially the thin crust.

3. Peas

Topping the pizza with peas is unusual. However, it is a reality in Brazil, where peas are the leading choice for pizza toppings. Many vegetables are used as the top coating of pizzas, but peas are uncommon to people outside this nation.

Nonetheless, it is a good and new item to try, as peas have many health benefits. One can combine peas with tomatoes and cheese to come closer to the conventional taste.

2. Banana Curry

Fruits usually do not have an entry in food items like pizzas. Yet, one fruit has made its way to a pizza topping, and it is the banana. It is primarily a Swedish preparation where banana slices are the top layer of the pizza.

The other toppings in this recipe include cheese, curry powder, and ham. The color combination of this pizza also looks weird as there are white bananas all over the top layer.

1. Chocolate

This topping gives an entirely different taste to the pizza. It differs significantly from the traditional top layer and makes the item sweet. The pizza looks like a massive cookie with chocolate layering on top.

People who have a sweet tooth will enjoy this preparation. However, even those not fans of this taste can enjoy it as a dessert. The chocolate topping is made by spreading melted chocolate generously on the base.

Even though the above mentioned pizzas have strange toppings, all of these indeed taste great. Also, what appears strange to some may be the best choice of topping for another. Thus, no matter what the topping is, pizzas are and will continue to be an adorable food for all age groups across the globe.

Image source: wallpaperaccess.com, loveinterest.fandom.com and wallpapercave.com and Google

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