10 Interesting Facts You must know about Spiderman

10 Interesting Facts You must know about Spiderman

Among the most popular superheroes, Spiderman is an all-time favorite among kids. The web-swinger is still famous in comic books over the last 60 years. He first appeared in the comic book for the first time in 1962 in the comic book Amazing Fantasy. The book got published by Marvel Comics. Do you feel that you know everything about Spider-man? Let’s check some unknown points about Spiderman. 

10. How Spiderman Got Conceptualized

You will be amazed when you know how the character got conceptualized. Stan Lee, the creature of Spiderman, got the idea by watching a fly. He noticed how the winged insect crawled up on the wall and the idea of creating a comic character based on that insect. Again, Lee tried for a few other names like Fly-man, Insect-man, mosquito-man, etc. But, the name Spider-man hit his mind the most. Now the character has become the most popular. 

9. A Superhero, Who Never Was An Adult’s Sidekick

Spiderman has been famous among teenagers over the last 60 years, and he is the first ever teenage superhero. A large number of teenagers, who love reading comic books, are huge fans of spider man. The youngsters always like the way he does wonders for them. He is the only superhero, who never was an adult’s sidekick. So, youngsters loved this excellent attitude of Spiderman.

8. Who The Parents Of Spiderman

Do you know about the parents of Spiderman? Many of us are not aware of the parents of spider-man. His parents were SHIELD agents. Richard and Mary Parkers are the parents of Spiderman alias Peter Parker. Nothing much is available about the parents of Spiderman, but later, it got revealed that they were the agents of SHIELD. The duo went on many missions together. They got killed by Albert Malik. He was one of the inheritors of the persona of Red Skull. Peter Parker (spider-man) was raised by his uncle post his parents’ death, and he has faded memories of his parents. 

7. Michael Jackson And Spiderman

Spiderman is not only popular among teenagers, but adults are also a fan of this superhero. Many Hollywood actors are interested in playing the role of Spider-man. Once, it got revealed that the famous pop-star Michale Jackson tried to buy Marvel so that he could play the lead role. Besides being the king of Pop, Michael Jackson was a shrewd businessman and already held the right of the Beatles catalog. Hence the proposal to buy Marvel was not a crazy offer from his side.  

6. Spiderman’s Spidey Sense

Spiderman’s spidey sense is always active, and he possesses the most powerful abilities to sense all incoming dangers in advance. This extra ability has helped him stay safe from many unwanted dangers in his life. He saved many from varied unwanted situations in their lives, and this special ability is almost impossible to circumvent. He stays active in a similar manner during darkness or blindness. 

5. Spiderman Team Work

Teenagers loved how he worked as a team-man. In many series, he teamed up with Superman, Batman, and Obama. You will see how in the series Superman VS. Spider-man the duo fight awkwardly and then teamed up. The duo worked agreeably and took out the powers of Doctor Octopus and Lex Author. 

4. Spiderman Webs Are Biodegradable

It is interesting to know that the webs of Spiderman are biodegradable. People know that spider silk is the most extraordinary substance. The silk is flexible, stronger than metal, and extremely thin. In this advanced era, scientists are still trying to develop silk with the characteristics of spider silk. But, it is fictional material, and hence it has become quite uncommon in the real world. It is simple for the fictional character, Spider-man. The compound web is able to duplicate all the essential benefits of ordinary spider silk. Moreover, spider-man developed a vast and unique web. He used that in special scenarios. 

3. Spiderman’s Girlfriends

Many are not aware of Spiderman’s long list of girlfriends, Peter Parker. Betty Brant was the first lady in his life. You can learn about her in Amazing Spider-man, 1964. In 1966, Mary Jane Watson was his next girlfriend, and the duo dated for a long time. Mary Jane debuted in Spider-man 25, and people got to know about her in Spider-man 42. Apart from those above, Gwen Stacy, Cissy Ironwood, Debra Whiteman, Black cat, Jill Stacy, and Marrow are some well-known girlfriends of Spider-man. 

2. Spiderman Series

So far, we watched 8 Spiderman cartoons and 2 live-action TV shows. The shows started running in 1967 and continued to 1971. In 1981, comic lovers got two short-lived comic series of Spiderman. 

1. It’s Spiderman And Not Spider-Man

Many pen-down Spiderman as Spider-man. But it is wrong. The correct spelling is Spider-man. Stan Lee, the creature of spider-man, intentionally placed a hyphen between the words’ spider” and “man” to avoid confusion with Superman. 

The above are some facts that do not reveal too much among the lovers of comic stories. We hope those interesting facts will attract comic lovers to the activities of Spider-man. 

Image source: wallpaperflare.com and Google

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